Think again before you buy another plastic bottle... Out of the 50 BILLION bottles of water being bought each year, 80% end up in a landfill, even though recycling programs exist.
17 million barrels of oil are used in producing bottled water each year.. #Energy #Water
In Public Interest
Night driving - Check that your headlights are properly adjusted for high and low beam. Keep you windshield and windows clean. At night it is more difficult to judge speeds and distances as the visibility is poor. The glare of oncoming traffic can also blind you, making you lose concentration. Driving at a controlled speed can help you stop in time to avoid an accident. Dip your headlights to avoid dazzling the driver of an oncoming vehicle. If a vehicle with only one light is approaching you, be cautious. It could be a truck with one light conked off instead of a two or three-wheeler. When parking your car in poorly lit places, always leave the parking lights on.